Friday, April 11, 2014

Presentation Sample: Socio-economics

Here is a set of well-constructed presentation scripts and slides. I made this a few years ago, so some ideas may not seem very updated. The length can be from 12 to 15 minutes.
Slide 1

Hi everyone. I’d like to show you something that I think it’s really fascinating. It’s  AEC or the ASEAN Economic Community. Some of you may think that it’s so abstract, intangible, and so far away that it may not do anything to your life. But today, I’ll change your mind!  


Slide 2

Have you heard about this Asean 2015 before? Some may say yes, some may say no. Well, when I talk to most of my friends about it, they’ll go like…what? what is it? Is it a name of a person? Mr. Asean? Or is it a place? Can we go there? No…not really. But all of these questions show that a lot of Thai people are still not well aware of this fascinating event which will have a great impact to their lives. So, today, I'd like to raise your awareness to see how fascinating Asean 2015 can be.
Slide 3

I’ve divided my presentation into three parts. I’ll start by giving you an overview of Asean 2015. And then, I’ll move on to what benefits we can exploit from it. How great it is! And finally, I’ll discuss about how to prepare ourselves to welcome this amazing phenomenon effectively. If you have any comments or questions, I’ll be more than happy to share my ideas with you at the end of my talk.
Slide 4

Well, Asean is not a name of anyone nor is it a place anywhere. It is actually a virtual collaboration among all 10 countries in Southeast Asia. Its purpose is to boost the regional stability in politics, economics, and society. So, basically, Asean can improve our well-being.


Slide 5

Well, we might compare Asean to the EU. We all know the EU, right? European Union. It is composed of a lot of nations in Europe and uses a common currency which is “euro” Likewise, here in Southeast Asia, we also have a similar regional cooperation called “the Asean Community” and, frankly, we are just following the EU
Slide 6

by implementing the free trade area or, in short, “Asean 2015” which will be effective in three years. It is a long term process which takes a lot of time and efforts, but in the future, we may be using our own Asean money like euros instead of Thai Baht. So, obviously, there are a lot of impacts to all of us, right?


Slide 7

The first benefit would be that we will have greater power to bargain with other countries. Let’s see. For instance, if I’m just a poor, little boy with limited resources. I would feel very weak and worthless if I have to go and fight with a big and strong man who’s a champion in wrestling. I would know instantly that I’m gonna lose. But, if I team up with my friends, I would have more power, more confidence, more visions to fight with that big man. So, I might have a better chance to win.
Slide 8

Just like AseanThailand or Malaysia, or the Philippines alone is a small country, but if we team up together, we are stronger. And we will have more power to negotiate with stronger nations like China or the United States.

Slide 9

Economy wise, with the theme of Asean as a Free Trade Area, the import and export will flourish because there would be no more taxes or tariffs. This is really fascinating. It’s like having duty free shops everywhere and everyone can buy the product without having to travel outside the country. My sister is doing a cosmetic business and a lot of them have to be imported, some from Singapore. And she always complains about the cost for shipment and the tax, which could be very high. So, she has to put a lot of money on the investment. Imagine if she doesn’t have to pay for that tax anymore, she’ll make more profits. And this would make her really happy.
Slide 10

Social wise, we’ll have more freedom. Because of the Free Trade Area again, there would be a free flow of human resources. That means people can travel and work freely without a visa or work permit within any Asean countries. So who knows? In three years from now, one of us in this room could be working in SingaporeMalaysia or Vietnam. Or we can live in Thailand, but commute to Singapore to work.
Slide 11
And vise versa, there would be a lot of people from other Asean countries coming to work with us here. So, we’ll be living in a more multicultural environment with more opportunities, and more alternatives both in private and professional lives. Isn’t that great?
Slide 12

Now, let’s come to the point how we should prepare ourselves to this up and coming event. Well, first of all, congratulations! We’ve come to the right place here in this class to improve our English because it is /the/ official language of Asean. Or we may also learn one or more of other Asean local languages such as Chinese, Malay, or Cambodian.

Slide 13

Apart from the language proficiency, we can also improve our professional skills and efficiencies. I can tell you, there will be a lot more competitions, so we need to raise our standard to meet the international bar. I have a friend in Singapore. His name is Simon. He’s an accountant, and you know what? At the moment he’s studying Thai commercial laws because he plans to move to Thailand, to work and live here. Well, normally accounting positions in Thailand are reserved only for Thai citizens. But after 2015, this rule will not work anymore because of the Free Trade Area. That means, local Thai accountants must work harder…much harder, to compete with someone like Simon who has a background in international accounting with knowledge in Thai commercial laws. He also speaks fluent English. He’s shark. He’s someone to beat. So, if we are aware of this situation, we can prepare ourselves for it. To be one step ahead of others can give us a great advantage to compete for victory.

Slide 14

To sum up, Asean 2015 is really happening and it’s gonna affect a lot of us in many ways from political, economy, or social aspects. So, we should get ourselves ready by improving our proficiency both in languages and technical skills. Start now, today, right this second because three years isn’t that long. Thank you.


01355113 (Business) Summer 1: Final Presentation Project

Dear 113 (business) summer 1 students,

Please be reminded that the final presentation (group of 3-4 students) will be on Wednesday 7 May 2014. As discussed earlier, the topic should be about business or economics. The length should be between 8 and 10 minutes. Each student should take part for 2 or 3 minutes. The score distribution will be as below.

The score will be given based on both group and individual criteria.

Content:  2 (group)
Organization:  2 (group)
Delivery:  2 (individual)
Language: 2 (individual)
Visuals:  2 (group)
Total:  10 points
(Final score: 10/2 = 5 points)

For examples of scripts and slides, please refer to the supplementary handouts given in the class, text book module 3.4 (page 42, 43), text book module 7.4 (page 94-96), or click here -->  my previous post (Presentation Sample)

Please be creative, confident, and relaxed!


Thursday, April 10, 2014

01355113 (Business) Summer 1: Final Exam Outline

01355113 (Business) Final Examination Outline
Semester Summer 1/2014 (Regular Programme)

Examination date: Thursday 8 May 2014. 9.30-12.00 hours

Session 1 (9.30-10.00 hours)
Minutes Writing Quiz (5 points)

Directions: Listen to an extract from the Mirratec Management Committee meeting as they move on to discuss the issue of diversity in Mirratec’s workforce. Take notes. Then, write a short summary of the discussion and decisions made. See page 83 and 147. 

Session 2 (10.00-12.00 hours)
Written Final Examination (35 points)

Part I: Vocabulary and Collocations (10 points)                   
Words are taken from Module 6.2/ 7.2 and Glossary Unit 6/ 7. 

A. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Write your answers in the space provided at the end of each paragraph (10 items/5 points).

B. Directions: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. Write A, B, C, or D in the space provided at the end of this part. (10 items/5 points)

Part II: Writing and Expressions (10 points)
Expressions are taken from Module 6.4/ 7.4.

A. Directions: Complete the meeting dialogues below with the expressions you have learned in class. Write your answers in the space provided. (5 points)

B. Directions: Complete the presentation script below with the expressions you have learned in class. Write your answers in the space provided. (5 points)

Part III: Reading (15 points)
Both passages are unseen.

Passage I (200-250 words) The content of the passage is relevant to Unit 6: Company and Community.
Directions: Read the passage below and give short answers to the questions. (5 items/5 points) 

Passage II (300-350 words) The content of the passage is relevant to Unit 7: Mergers and Acquisitions.
A. Directions: Write T for the statements that are TRUE and F for those that are FALSE. (4 items/4 points) 

B. Directions: Choose the best answer and write A, B, C, or D on the space provided at the end of this part. (6 items/6 points) 

01355113 (Business) Inter: Final Exam Outline

01355113 (Business) Final Examination Outline (35 points)
Semester 2/2013 (International Programme)

Examination date is to be announced.

Part I: Vocabulary and Collocations (10 points)                   
Words are taken from Module 6.2/ 7.2/ 8.2 and Glossary Unit 6/ 7/ 8. 

A. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Write your answers in the space provided at the end of each paragraph (10 items/5 points).

B. Directions: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. Write A, B, C, or D in the space provided at the end of this part. (10 items/5 points)

Part II: Writing and Expressions (10 points)
Expressions are taken from Module 6.4/ 7.4/ 8.4.

A. Directions: Complete the meeting dialogues below with the expressions you have learned in class. Write your answers in the space provided. (4 points)

B. Directions: Complete the presentation script below with the expressions you have learned in class. Write your answers in the space provided. (3 points)

C. Directions: Complete the dialogue below with the expressions you have learned in class. Write your answers in the space provided. (3 points)

Part III: Reading (15 points)
Both passages are unseen.

Passage I (200-250 words) The content of the passage is relevant to Unit 6: Company and Community.
Directions: Read the passage below and give short answers to the questions. (5 items/5 points) 

Passage II (300-350 words) The content of the passage is relevant to Unit 7: Mergers and Acquisitions.
A. Directions: Write T for the statements that are TRUE and F for those that are FALSE. (4 items/4 points) 

B. Directions: Choose the best answer and write A, B, C, or D on the space provided at the end of this part. (6 items/6 points) 

01355113 (Business) Inter: Minutes Writing

Dear 113 (Business) Inter Students,

On Thursday 24 April 2014, there will be a quiz on minutes writing. Below is the format you will be required to write. Please refer to the script 2:38 on page 147.  

01355113: Writing II - Reports and minutes (5 points)

Directions: Listen to an extract from the Mirratec Management Committee meeting as they move on to discuss the issue of diversity in Mirratec’s workforce. Take notes. Then, write a short summary of the discussion and decisions made.


Topic:                    __________________________________________

Date:                     24 April 2014

Attendees:           1. Jan Navratil, Managing Director
                              2. Ines Caba, Production
                              3. Christopher Taberley, Finance

Discussions:         __________________________________________
Decisions:             __________________________________________

Remarks:              __________________________________________            

01355113 (Business) Summer 1: Midterm Outline

01355113 (Business) 
Midterm Examination Outline (35 points)
Summer Semester 1/2014

Examination Date: Thursday 24 April 2014 (10.00-12.00 hours) 

Part I: Vocabulary and Collocations (10 points)
Words are taken from Module 1.2/ 3.2/ 5.2 and Glossary (Unit 1/ 3/ 5)
A. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Write your answers in the space provided at the end of each paragraph (10 items/5 points).
B. Directions: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. Write A, B, C, or D in the space provided at the end of this part. (10 items/5 points)

Part II: Writing and Expressions (10 points)
Expressions are taken from Module 1.4/ 3.4 / 5.4
A. Directions:  Make the following comments more diplomatic. (3 items/ 3 points)
B. Directions: Complete the presentation script and the dialogue below with the expressions you have learned in class. Write your answers in the space provided at the end of this part. (7 items/ 7 points)

Part III: Reading (15 points) 
Both passages are unseen.
Passage I (200-250 words)
Directions: Read the passage below and give short answers. (5 items/ 5 points)
Passage II (300-350 words)
A. Directions: Write T for the statements that are TRUE, and F for those that are FALSE. (4 items/ 4 points)
B. Directions: Choose the best answer and write A, B, C or D on the space provided at the end of the part. (6 items/ 6 points)

Business Proposal 01355113 (Business) Summer 1

Dear 113 (Business, Summer 1/2014) students,

Here is a guideline for the individual business proposal writing assignment. The content is based on the proposal letter on page 70. However, this is another way of doing it by using bullet points. 

Your assignment is to come up with a new product or service, then make a business proposal to show your ideas. (5 scores)

Please remember to use concise language. The length should not exceed one page. 

Date of submission is on Thursday 24 April 2014.

Example for a Business Proposal: 

To :                      Mr. Bellows
From:                   Clemmie A Buckton
Subject:                Product Proposal

Product Details:
Name:                  PZpay, an online payment system
Profile:                 PZpay is the fastest- growing merchant account provider on the Web, with more than 1,800 satisfied members in 26 countries.
Series:                  1. PZpay Pro: for small merchant, up to 75 orders/ day, which matches your website’s current orders of 5 -10 per day, and growing
2. PZpay Corporate: for large merchant account, more than 75 orders/ day  (free upgrade)
Monthly fee:          PZpay Pro is $12, with minimum transaction fees of $10. For full details of our terms and conditions, see the attached quotation.
Qualification:         1. Flexible and transparent
- PZpay allows you to deal directly with your customers and problematic cases such as refunds.
                             -  PZpay allows you to control your cash flow and administration fees.
- PZpay is suitable for small and medium size e-businesses.
2. Inexpensive
- Our charges are amongst the lowest price in the market, meaning that your business will be more profitable from day one.
Benefit:                 To provide customers with a convenient way of online payment: customers can  make their credit card payments directly on your website.
Installation period:  Within 48 hours
Helpline:                Available daily, 24 hours a day
To apply:                Fill out the online application form at 

Presentation Sample 01355113

Good content, organization, visual aids, and delivery are the keys to creating an effective presentation. 

Not only should the content interest the audience, it should also reflect yourself or your work. Moreover, it should be relevant and able to connect with the audience. As a result, you will be able to design and manage your talk thoroughly and with ease. 

The next component is organization. It should be well constructed. Generally, it should begin with introduction (greeting the audience, introducing yourself, stating your purpose, drawing attention, and giving the preview of the talk). The body should be presented according to the preview. Don't forget to link each idea with transitional words to help the audience know what to expect. A summary may also be added after the body. It can be done be briefly restate each idea in the body. The last part is the conclusion where a final remark can be brought up for the audience to think about your talk even after your have finished your talk. What they actually gain from your presentation.   

Apart from good content and organization, visual aids can play an important role in expressing your ideas. A few tips of how to make good slides include having minimal text (7-9 words per slide) and meaningful pictures (1-2 pics per slide) to convey your message to the audience. Moreover, each slide should be understandable within three seconds. 

Finally, delivery is also a very important factor to determine success or failure of your presentation. Good delivery can make a well-organized presentation even better. Likewise, it can also make a well-organized presentation go wrong. The key to producing good delivery is to be confident, to keep eye contact with audience, and to maintain positive attitude. These can be achieved by multiple rehearsals. Remember to practice, practice, and practice until you are confident and comfortable with it.    

Here are examples of scripts and slides for a 10-minute talk. The topic is "Bee Loves Food."

Slide 1
Hi everyone. I am Bee and I’m going to tell you about one side of me. It’s my love for food. I enjoyed eating so much that it sometimes ruined my life and my health, especially my shape but more importantly my self-esteem. I’ll begin by telling you my tragedy caused by food, and then, I’ll move on to how it affected my life, and finally, how I fought with it.
Slide 2
Well, have you guys been on a diet before or at least had a thought about it? I’m sure many of you would say yes. So welcome to the club.
Slide 3
Now, let’s see what caused the problem! Well, I was a kind of person who couldn't stock the fridge at all because everything would just magically disappear in a night. My weight went up and down depending on my mental condition. When I was depressed, I ate. It was not the best solution at all. But I was happy at the time.
Slide 4
When I ate, I felt so special, so powerful as if I was a great giant eating up the entire world. My stress was gone, but only for a short time.   

Slide 5

Until one day, when I looked into a mirror, I thought I saw someone else and I said “Who’s that blob?” Eww…That was me! And that was my wake up call. What’s even worse was when I went to my wardrobe, I couldn’t find a thing to wear. Everything was so small. I had become a real giant. I practically became a victim of my own eating spree.
Slide 6

And you know what? To solve the problem, I chose the quickest and strongest way by taking diet pills. Now, the real tragedy began. Because I was so depressed, I took two different formulas of pills, one to burn the fat, and one to suppress my brain not to think that I was hungry. It worked! Marvelously! It was incredible! After three months I lost 20 kgs. And another 10 in the next three months. So, all together I lost 30 kgs. in just half a year! It was unbelievable! All my friends and my colleagues were so amazed with the result. But actually, you know what?  It kind of ruined my life both physically and mentally.
Slide 7
Because my brain thought that I was not hungry, I ate so little like a piece of sushi a day. So, of course, I had no energy to do anything.
Slide 8
Besides, I was always constipated. My stomach, my liver and all of my inner organs did not function very well. That was just terrible all around!
Slide 9
Emotionally, I was so fragile as if I was standing at the edge of the cliff ready to be blown away only by a soft touch of wind. The pills caused me a very difficult time to sleep. I only had like a few hours sleep if I was lucky. So, I was very cranky and emotional. This affected my performance at work a lot. Many times I just smashed glasses onto the tray table when I served drinks to the passengers. As a result, I had a lot of complain letters. So, trust me, all of these tortures worth nothing comparing to the negative results you would get in the end.  
Slide 10
So, I stopped taking the pills and turned to do exercise more regularly. This time I took it slow. I started to eat more healthy food like fruit and vegetables which contain a lot of fiber to fight my constipation. So I became happier. No more cranky and moody faces. My point here is that no matter what your excuses are, if you take diet pills to lose weight. You’ll end up having troubles in one way or another. It will never work in a long term. 
Slide 11
The most important thing is your mind! You have to be strong, open-minded, and learn how to be happy with yourself. Stop blaming yourself coz everybody makes mistakes and no one is perfect anyway. Optimism is the key to the healthy stage of mind. And once your mind’s strong and stable, you can control your month and your appetite. Try to motivate yourself to do exercise. It’s not only good for your shape, but also for your health as a whole.
Slide 12

So, if you ever think about taking diet pills to lose weight, please think of me. And more importantly, think of yourself! Thank you.      

New Approach of Modern Presentation

I would like to introduce you to a new and effective way of presentation. It is like a beacon of hope that shines from the distance waiting for us to experience. This approach of presentation focuses on visual aids, deliveryand ideas. It aims not only to capture the whole audience’s heart, but also to craft the presenter to be the center of attention. This new technique is based on the Zen’s simplicity which has been increasingly popular in the West and some countries in Asia especially in Japan.

There has been a group of modern generation presenters and public speakers getting together to give speeches and presentations on a wide range of topics under the name of TED. You may find this information online at

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” said Leonardo da Vinci. This immortal word is now playing a significant role in the new phase of modern presentation. The key is to draw the attention to the speaker, not the slides. Since the creation of PowerPoint, human has overwhelmingly enjoyed its computerized and ready made presentation styles. As a result, most typical slides are filled with special effects and bullet points. This; however, has led to the dead end. It kills the art and charm of the talks. Thanks to the new approach created by Garr Reynolds, we can now actually enjoy watching the presentation! The slides with minimal texts and meaningful pictures are the new trend of modern day’s presentation. For more information about Garr Reynolds’ approach, please visit his blog at

On, you can see a variety of effective presentations from various famous public speakers all over the world. The talks have been categorized into different areas, such as informative, persuasive and inspiring. TED’s theme is “Ideas worth spreading.” This means the core of each talk is the ideas. The ideas that are innovative, different, and catching. Moreover, you can learn diversed delivery techniques the speakers use to convey their ideas to the audience.

In addition, there is a forum where TEDster or anyone can express and share their opinions regarding the talks. Also, there are several tabs you can click on to get updated with TED and its recent activities.  

Most importantly, it is free for all and everyone can follow it via modern media such as YoutubeFacebook, and Tweeter. You can even download the talks for free via iTunes. Undoubtedly, TED has brought a new way of modern presentation which is stimulating, breathtaking, and FUN!