Thursday, April 10, 2014

New Approach of Modern Presentation

I would like to introduce you to a new and effective way of presentation. It is like a beacon of hope that shines from the distance waiting for us to experience. This approach of presentation focuses on visual aids, deliveryand ideas. It aims not only to capture the whole audience’s heart, but also to craft the presenter to be the center of attention. This new technique is based on the Zen’s simplicity which has been increasingly popular in the West and some countries in Asia especially in Japan.

There has been a group of modern generation presenters and public speakers getting together to give speeches and presentations on a wide range of topics under the name of TED. You may find this information online at

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” said Leonardo da Vinci. This immortal word is now playing a significant role in the new phase of modern presentation. The key is to draw the attention to the speaker, not the slides. Since the creation of PowerPoint, human has overwhelmingly enjoyed its computerized and ready made presentation styles. As a result, most typical slides are filled with special effects and bullet points. This; however, has led to the dead end. It kills the art and charm of the talks. Thanks to the new approach created by Garr Reynolds, we can now actually enjoy watching the presentation! The slides with minimal texts and meaningful pictures are the new trend of modern day’s presentation. For more information about Garr Reynolds’ approach, please visit his blog at

On, you can see a variety of effective presentations from various famous public speakers all over the world. The talks have been categorized into different areas, such as informative, persuasive and inspiring. TED’s theme is “Ideas worth spreading.” This means the core of each talk is the ideas. The ideas that are innovative, different, and catching. Moreover, you can learn diversed delivery techniques the speakers use to convey their ideas to the audience.

In addition, there is a forum where TEDster or anyone can express and share their opinions regarding the talks. Also, there are several tabs you can click on to get updated with TED and its recent activities.  

Most importantly, it is free for all and everyone can follow it via modern media such as YoutubeFacebook, and Tweeter. You can even download the talks for free via iTunes. Undoubtedly, TED has brought a new way of modern presentation which is stimulating, breathtaking, and FUN! 

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