Sunday, January 8, 2017

Course Syllabus ENG336

College of Tourism and Hospitality
Sripatum University
ENG336 Speech Communication and Effective Presentations
Course Outline: Second Semester 2016

Course Description
Extensive practice in making speech and presentation on a wide variety of topics to show mastery of the principles of speaking in public in an effective manner. Learners are expected to deliver both prepared and spontaneous speeches and presentations on assigned topics. An examination of both verbal and non-verbal language is included.

Course Objectives
1.      To provide students with the fundamental principles of speech communication and effective presentation
2.      Help students to prepare and deliver speeches and presentations in the airline context
3.      Enable students to acquire skills in audience and objective analysis, selection, structuring, and organization of content
4.      Develop students’ self confidence in delivering well-researched, well-prepared and spontaneous speeches and presentations effectively

Course Policies
            Students’ contribution and participation in in-class activities are the focus of the course. Therefore, students are expected to keep up with the course plan as specified in the tentative schedule. Individual, pair, and group works are employed throughout the course to provide students with opportunities to practice their presentation skills. Students will research, develop content for and deliver well-prepared and impromptu speeches. Lectures and explanations are also available for the language purposes and the clarification of effective speech and presentation principles.

Course Material
Williams, J. E. (2008). Presentations in English. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited. 

Course Evaluation
                        Attendance                                         10        points
                        Presentation Project 1                        20        points
                        Midterm Presentation                         20        points
Presentation Project 2                         20  10  points
Final Presentation                               30  20  points
Written final examination                   20        points
Total                                                   100      points
Students are required to have at least 80 percent attendance (maximum 6 absences allowed) in order to be eligible to take the final presentation.

Grading Criterion
                        80-100             A                                 60-64               C
                        75-79               B+                               55-59               D+
                        70-74               B                                 50-54               D
                        65-69               C+                               0-49                 F

Tentative Class Schedule

9-13 Jan
Step 1: Layout solid foundations
1. The start
2. The finish

16-20 Jan
3. Structuring
4. Full presentation

23-27 Jan
Step 2: Connect with your audience
1. Jump start
2. Finishing with a bang
3. Full presentation

30 Jan-3 Feb
Presentation Project 1*

6-10 Feb
Presentation Project 1*

13-17 Feb
Step 3: Use visuals to connect
1. Visual aids
2. Numbers and trends
3. Full presentation

20-24 Feb
Midterm Presentation**

27 Feb-3 Mar
Midterm Examination Week
No class
6-10 Mar
Midterm Presentation**

13-17 Mar
Step 4: Top up your techniques
1. Powerful techniques
2. Full presentation

20-24 Mar
Step 5: Be positive and dramatic
1. Be positive
2. Be dramatic
3. Full presentation

27-31 Mar
Presentation Project 2***

3-7 Apr
Presentation Project 2***
6 Apr (Chakri Day)
10-14 Apr
6-17 Apr. (Songkran Festival and Family Day)
17-21 Apr
Step 6: Love your audience … not everyone is like you
1. Something for everyone
2. Full presentation

24-28 Apr
Final Presentation****

1-5 May
Final Presentation****
1 May (Labour Day)
5 May (Coronation Day)

Presentation Project 1*

Objectives:                  1. To demonstrate the solid presentation layout 
                                    2. To show the connection with audience

Type of activity:          Individual work (1 student)

Duration:                     Approx. 5 minutes

Theme:                        What you love or are passionate about so much that you want to give a presentation on

Directions:                   1. Students are given the theme of the presentation broadly.
                                    2. Students create a topic of their presentation.
3. Students draft their presentation outline. Please refer to page 21 and 
    page 33 in the textbook.
                                    4. Students complete and polish their presentation.
                                    5. Students rehearse their presentation.
                                    6. Students deliver their presentation.

Evaluation:                  The full score is 20 points.
50 percent (10 points) of the total score comes from the instructor.
                                    50 percent (10 points) of the total score comes from the peer review.
(10 students are to be appointed as the peer review committee for each presentation activity)
The scoring is based on the rubric below, as referred to page 22 and page 34 in the textbook.  

Feedback Form: Presentation Project 1

Poor (1)
OK (2)
Yes! (3)
Wow! (4)
1. Who

2. Why

3. What

4. How

5. Future continuous

6. Jumpstart technique(s)

7. Clarity of timeline(s)

8. Signposting

9. Pausing

10. Signal

11. Summary

12. Present perfect

13. Conclusion

14. Closing remarks

15. Finish with a bang technique(s)

Accumulated scores

Received scores
For peer review:       __ /60
                         divided by 6

                             à  __ /10
For instructor:                __ /60
                                divided by 6

                                    à  __ /10

Final scores
                                                                                     à  __ /20

Midterm Presentation**

Objectives:                  1. To demonstrate the solid presentation layout 
                                    2. To show the connection with audience
3. To display the effective use of visual aids
                                    4. To exhibit the effective use of numbers and trends

Type of activity:          Pair work (2 students)

Duration:                     Approx. 10 minutes

Theme:                        Your cross-cultural encounter experience

Directions:                   1. Students are given the theme of the presentation broadly.
                                    2. Students create a topic of their presentation.
3. Students draft their presentation outline. Please refer to page 47
    in the textbook.
                                    4. Students complete and polish their presentation.
                                    5. Students rehearse their presentation.
                                    6. Students deliver their presentation.

Evaluation:                  The full score is 20 points.
50 percent (10 points) of the total score comes from the instructor.
                                    50 percent (10 points) of the total score comes from the peer review.
(10 students are to be appointed as the peer review committee for each presentation activity)
The scoring is based on the rubric below, as referred to page 48 in the textbook. 

Feedback Form: Midterm Presentation

Poor (1)
OK (2)
Yes! (3)
Wow! (4)
1. Jump start technique(s)

2. Three-in-three structure

Visual information
3. Presentation of visual

4. Clarity of information

5. Clarity of message

6. Pausing

7. Finish with a bang technique(s)

Accumulated scores

Received scores
For peer review:       __ /28
                                   x 0.36

                             à  __ /10
For instructor:              __ /28
                                       x 0.36

                                 à  __ /10

Final scores
                                                                                   à  __ /20

Presentation Project 2***

Objectives:                  1. To demonstrate the solid presentation layout 
                                    2. To show the effective delivery
                                    3. To exhibit the effective use of rhetorical techniques

Type of activity:          Individual work (1 student)

Duration:                     Approx. 5 minutes

Directions:                   1. Approximately 1 week prior to the presentation, each student
                                        submits 1 topic for the presentation.
                                    2. On the presentation day, a student is to be assigned as a time keeper.
                                    3. The first presenter draws a topic in front of the class.
4. The presenter is given approx. 5 minutes to prepare the presentation
    outside the classroom.
5. Before the presenter start the presentation, the next presenter draws
    a topic and then prepare the presentation outside the classroom.
6. The presenter delivers an impromptu presentation.
7. Repeat the steps until the last presenter has given the presentation.
Evaluation:                  The full score is 20 points.
The scoring is based on the rubric below, as adapted from page 60 and 74 in the textbook. 

Feedback Form: Presentation Project 2

Poor (1)
OK (2)
Yes! (3)
Wow! (4)
Holy Moly!
1. Jump start

2. Basic signpost language

3. Stress

4. Pace

5. Intonation

6. Gesture

7. Rhetorical technique(s)

8. Finish with a bang technique(s)

Accumulated scores

Final scores
               For instructor:

                __ /40
                                                                                               x 0.5

                                 à  __ /20

Final Presentation****

Objectives:                  1. To demonstrate the effective presentation layout 
                                    2. To work effectively as a team
3. To convince and persuade your audience you have the right vision
                                    4. To love your audience
                                    5. To create a relaxed, friendly, and positive atmosphere 

Type of activity:          Group work (4-5 students)

Duration:                     Approx. 10 minutes

Theme:                        Dream job

Directions:                   1. Students are given the theme of the presentation broadly.
                                    2. Students create a topic of their presentation.
3. Students draft their presentation outline. Please refer to page 86
    in the textbook.
                                    4. Students complete and polish their presentation.
                                    5. Students rehearse their presentation.
                                    6. Students deliver their presentation.

Evaluation:                  The full score is 30 points.
20 points come from the instructor.
                                    10 points come from the peer review.
(Each team member makes a peer review for his or her team.)
The scoring is based on the rubric below, as adapted from page 87 in the textbook. 

Feedback Form: Final Presentation

Poor (1)
OK (2)
Yes! (3)
Wow! (4)
1. Jump start

2. Issues

3. Recommendation

4. Benefits

5. Evidence

6. Finish with a bang

7. Teamwork

8. “Love your audience” activities

9. Verbal language

10. Non-verbal language

Accumulated scores

Received scores
For peer review:       __ /40
                          divided by 4

                             à  __ /10
For instructor:              __ /40
                             divided by 2

                                 à  __ /20

Final scores
                                                                                   à  __ /30

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