Monday, February 27, 2017

ENG233 Scores

ลำดับ รหัสนักศึกษา P1/10 P2/10 P3/15 MID/30 FNL/30 ATN/5 TTL/100
1 55041359 0 10 10
2 56006425 0 2 2
3 56040952 3 7 10
4 56045382 0 1 1
5 56046596 0 8 8
6 57005915 4 15 19
7 57027026 4 9 13
8 59003546 5 9 14
9 59003553 4 1 5
10 59003813 7 15 22
11 59004490 3 1 4
12 59013893 6.5 10 16.5
13 59015540 6.5 14 19.5
14 59017324 3 4 7
15 59017331 3 9 12
16 59018103 4 4 8
17 59020323 3 20 23
18 59023760 4 7 11
19 59023962 0 5 5
20 59024563 4 9 13
21 59025979 3 2 5
22 59027311 4 6 10
23 59028587 7 13 20
24 59028758 3 3 6
25 59029479 7 5 12
26 59030372 7 13 20
27 59032707 3 6 9
28 59035391 5 11 16
29 59040516 8 18 26
30 59046523 8 14 22

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

ENG336 Example of a graph presentation

1. Draw attention
Let’s move on now and look at the figures for…

2. Explain
… the U.S. average price of gasoline per gallon according to 2004’s American Bureau of Labor Statistics.

As you can see, the vertical bar represents the price of the gasoline per gallon. And the horizontal bar shows the months in a year.

The overall picture of the graph swings throughout the year. 

3. Highlight
Now let’s take a look at the figure more in detail. As you can see, the lowest price was at about 1.6 dollars in January. Then, the price rocketed and reached a high at approximately 2 dollars in June. Later, it went down considerably and went up again in October. After that, the price decreased again until December.

4. Conclude
In brief, the gasoline price in the U.S. fluctuated in 2004. 

ENG336 Example of a pie chart presentation

1. Draw attention – Now/ I’ll show you/ this pie chart./
2. Explain - Name; overall info
- .. which is about/ favorite type/ of movie/ of Thai teenagers./
3. Highlight - Biggest; smallest sections; interesting info
- As you can see,/ the biggest section/ is romance/, and the smallest section/ is drama.// Interestingly,/ sci-fi and comedy/ has the same portion/ which is/ 20%.//
[You may add the discussions here: Why do most Thai teenagers like romantic movies?... Why do they enjoy drama the least?...]
4. Conclude - overall - //In short,/ Thai teenagers/ like watching/ romantic movies/ the most,/ and drama/ the least./ 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

ENG336 Numbers and Trends

Broad meaning: picture; illustration; diagram; visual; graphic; figure
Specific meaning: photograph; painting; drawing
chart; pie chart; bar chart; line chart

per cent percent: 10.24 % 

Chunking (pausing and pacing) 
Our agency/ has worked on/ 1,024/ brands.//

.... have/ has; contain; consist (of); comprise (of); be composed of
There is/ are .....

Presenting a graph: 
1. Name 2. Axis representations ( x = vertical bar/ axis) (y = horizontal bar)
3. Explanation 4. Highlights [5. If possible, make a discussion.]
6. Conclusion 

about; around; approximately; roughly; just above; just below; ... more or less 

Increase; rise; go up; climb up; jump up; shoot up; take off; [ascend]; improve; rocket; soar
Decrease; go down; climb down; jump down; [descend]; slump
Stabilize; level off
Fluctuate; go up and down; swing
Quickly; fast; rapidly; sharply; a lot; suddenly; abruptly; dramatically; drastically; considerably; significantly; substantially
Slowly; gradually; slightly; a little

Your midterm presentation outline: 
Theme: Our cross-cultural encounter experience

Topic: Different Manners between Thai and American

Introduction: Jump start; benefits; topic; preview (1, 2, 3)
Note that the content should come from YOUR own experience or opinion, and should be based on cross-cultural encountering.
1 Greetings ... Explain ... Example(s) (wai versus hand shaking)
2 Eating ... Collectivism versus individualism ... Example(s) (shared dishes versus individual dishes)
3 Clothing ... Formal vs informal ... Example(s) (business suit vs t-shirt and jeans [graph]***
Summary (review 1, 2, 3)
Final remarks

Then, draft your script, design visuals, and PRACTICE! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

ENG233 KEYS P. 60-64

Cashier:                       Hello, sir. May I help you?
Client:                          Could I have my bill, please? My name is Mr. Peters and I was in room 420.
Cashier:                       Just a moment, sir. Let me check. …..
Did you make any phone calls from your room?
Client:                          Yes.  
Cashier:                       How many phone calls did you make?
Client:                          I don’t know exactly.
Cashier:                       In that case, I’ll have to check with the operator. …… That’s 4,850 baht.
Client:                          Here you are. ….
Cashier:                       Thank you.
Client:                          Thank you.

Cashier:                       Hello. How may I assist you?
Client:                          Yes, I have to pay my bill now. The name is Taylor. Room 232.
Cashier:                       Just a minute, please. ….. That’s 7,855 baht.
Client:                          This is the highest bill I’ve ever got. What does item 5 refer to?
Cashier:                       That is for the room service.
Client:                          Can I pay with credit card?
Cashier:                       Yes. What kind of credit card is it?
Client:                          Eurocard.
Cashier:                       Yes, we accept the Eurocard. Can I have your card, please?
Client:                          Here’s my card.
Cashier:                       Can I have your signature, please?
Client:                          Here it is.
Cashier:                       Thank you. Here is your receipt. I hope you enjoyed your stay.
Client:                          Thank you. Good bye.
Cashier:                       See you again, sir.

P. 63
D. 1
Client:                          I want to cash my traveller’s cheque for 100 HK dollars.
Cashier:                       Yes. May I have your passport, please?
Client:                          Here you go.
Cashier:                       Today the rate of exchange is 20 baht for a HK dollar. So, 100 HK dollars is 2,000 baht. Is that OK?
Client:                          Sure.
Cashier:                       Can you sign your name here?
Client:                          Right.
Cashier:                       How would you like your money, sir?
Client:                          Small notes, please.
Cashier:                       Alright. Here are 4 500-baht notes.
Client:                          Thank you. Good bye.

P. 64
D. 2.
Client:                          Good morning. I want to check out, please.
Cashier:                       What’s your room number, please?
Client:                          My room number is 223.
Cashier:                       Just a moment, please. Let me check. …… Your bill is 6,400 baht. Would you like to check it?
Client:                          What is that 150 baht for?
Cashier:                       That is for drinks, sir.
Client:                          OK. Do you accept American Express traveller’s cheque?
Cashier:                       Of course.
Client:                          Here you are. I’d like to know the exchange rate for dollars. [What’s the exchange rate for dollars today?]
Cashier:                       30 baht equals 1 dollar.
Client:                          Alright. Thank you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

ENG336 Additional PowerPoints and Word Files

Dear ENG336 Students,

You may download the files that I have used and plan to use in this class throughout this semester from this link.

ENG336 Midterm Presentation Outline

Dear ENG336 Students,

In 1 week (20-24 Feb. and 6-10 Mar.)*, there will be the midterm presentation (20 points).

* The dates have been changed to 6-10 Mar. and 13-17 Mar.

It is a pair work (2 students) and should last approximately 10 minutes. Please be well-prepared by thinking of a topic under the theme "cross-cultural encounter experience." Then, you should brainstorm what you are going to include in your talk. After that, make an outline. Be sure to follow the presentation structure and at least 1 (ONE) visual which shows numbers, graphs, and trends.  Then, you may start the first draft of your script. Then, make the second and third drafts. Later, you may start designing and making visual aids. Finally, REHEARSE multiple times!

You may view these YouTube clips and use them as a springboard for your ideas.

Try these key words: cultural differences; intercultural communication; culture shock; cultural diversity; cross-culture; stereotypes; racism; cultural identity; global citizen

The scoring will be as below.

Enjoy researching and rehearsing! ^^

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

ENG233 P. 40 Exercise D 1

Receptionist:   Good evening. How may I help you?
Client:             I would like a single room for tonight. But I don’t have a reservation.
Receptionist:   Yes, madam. We have a room for you after 8.30 in the evening. Is it OK/ alright?
Client:             How much is it?
Receptionist:   1,800 baht a night.
Client:             I’ll take it.
Receptionist:   This is your key card and key. Your room number is 201.
Client:             Thank you.

Receptionist:   The porter will show you up. Have a good stay.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Scoring ENG336 Section03

10 20 20 10 20 20 100
No.  Student ID ATN P 1 P 2 P 3  P 4 FNL TTL
1 56044065   13.06 13.4       26.46
2 58000094   0 0       0
3 58001051   0 0       0
4 58005568   14.23 9.8       24.03
5 58008474   16.83 11.24       28.07
6 58008498   16.74 17.72       34.46
7 58008974   18.63 17.72       36.35
8 58009195   16.06 15.56       31.62
9 58009486   10.26 19       29.26
10 58009599   10.1 19       29.1
11 58009708   10.6 16.28       26.88
12 58011637   6.23 9.52       15.75
13 58011668   18.8 16.28       35.08
14 58012149   20 11.24       31.24
15 58012221   12.5 4.2       16.7
16 58012505   17.2 4.2       21.4
17 58012694   16.3 9.8       26.1
18 58017264   8.6 3.04       11.64
19 58017315   12.13 10.52       22.65
20 58017353   2.5 0       2.5
21 58017377   9.7 0       9.7
22 58017668   9.96 4.76       14.72
23 58017942   5.73 3.04       8.77
24 58018074   0 0       0
25 58018149   13.56 9.52       23.08
26 58019651   0 0       0
27 58020016   12.03 0       12.03
28 58020105   10.66 14.12       24.78
29 58020547   0 0       0
30 58020667   5.33 5.2       10.53
31 58020674   4.63 9.52       14.15
32 58021319   6.23 0       6.23
33 58021617   0 0       0
34 58026941   5.73 0       5.73
35 58026965   4.06 0       4.06
36 58028047   13.03 10.52       23.55
37 58029011   0 0       0
38 58035793   10.66 5.2       15.86
39 58036856   17.1 14.12       31.22
40 58036976   16.23 14.56       30.79
41 58037224   18.16 14.56       32.72
42 58037351   0 0       0
43 58037515   17 15.56       32.56
44 58038914   0 0       0
45 58047482   12.71 13.4       26.11
46 58049184   13.4 0       13.4