Wednesday, February 15, 2017

ENG233 KEYS P. 60-64

Cashier:                       Hello, sir. May I help you?
Client:                          Could I have my bill, please? My name is Mr. Peters and I was in room 420.
Cashier:                       Just a moment, sir. Let me check. …..
Did you make any phone calls from your room?
Client:                          Yes.  
Cashier:                       How many phone calls did you make?
Client:                          I don’t know exactly.
Cashier:                       In that case, I’ll have to check with the operator. …… That’s 4,850 baht.
Client:                          Here you are. ….
Cashier:                       Thank you.
Client:                          Thank you.

Cashier:                       Hello. How may I assist you?
Client:                          Yes, I have to pay my bill now. The name is Taylor. Room 232.
Cashier:                       Just a minute, please. ….. That’s 7,855 baht.
Client:                          This is the highest bill I’ve ever got. What does item 5 refer to?
Cashier:                       That is for the room service.
Client:                          Can I pay with credit card?
Cashier:                       Yes. What kind of credit card is it?
Client:                          Eurocard.
Cashier:                       Yes, we accept the Eurocard. Can I have your card, please?
Client:                          Here’s my card.
Cashier:                       Can I have your signature, please?
Client:                          Here it is.
Cashier:                       Thank you. Here is your receipt. I hope you enjoyed your stay.
Client:                          Thank you. Good bye.
Cashier:                       See you again, sir.

P. 63
D. 1
Client:                          I want to cash my traveller’s cheque for 100 HK dollars.
Cashier:                       Yes. May I have your passport, please?
Client:                          Here you go.
Cashier:                       Today the rate of exchange is 20 baht for a HK dollar. So, 100 HK dollars is 2,000 baht. Is that OK?
Client:                          Sure.
Cashier:                       Can you sign your name here?
Client:                          Right.
Cashier:                       How would you like your money, sir?
Client:                          Small notes, please.
Cashier:                       Alright. Here are 4 500-baht notes.
Client:                          Thank you. Good bye.

P. 64
D. 2.
Client:                          Good morning. I want to check out, please.
Cashier:                       What’s your room number, please?
Client:                          My room number is 223.
Cashier:                       Just a moment, please. Let me check. …… Your bill is 6,400 baht. Would you like to check it?
Client:                          What is that 150 baht for?
Cashier:                       That is for drinks, sir.
Client:                          OK. Do you accept American Express traveller’s cheque?
Cashier:                       Of course.
Client:                          Here you are. I’d like to know the exchange rate for dollars. [What’s the exchange rate for dollars today?]
Cashier:                       30 baht equals 1 dollar.
Client:                          Alright. Thank you.

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